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performance appraisal tips

Top 5 Performance Appraisal Tips for 2022

Here are the top 5 performance appraisal tips to keep in mind for 2022. These tips will help you perform your own performance appraisal and hopefully will get you the a raise or promotion as desired. Read more here.

Every day at work we intend to work our best, knowing that we are making a difference and contributing to our organization. Sometimes, though, the way we intend to do our very best might differ from how others perceive it. That’s why annual performance appraisals are so important.

By taking part in these conversations and sharing things with your manager such as working methods or thoughts on a particular project, it allows you to feel as if you are meeting the set expectations of your job while also helping your company succeed further down the line by encouraging collaboration between workers.

Even if you’ve worked insanely hard the past year, you might end up hurting yourself at your performance appraisal if you don’t prepare enough prior to it. You should be ready to talk about how hard you worked and what efforts you’re proud of because ultimately, you want more than just a pat on the back – that is a raise or promotion. The best way to ace your performance appraisal discussion is with our top 5 tips!

Table of Content

  1. Why should you prepare for your performance appraisal
  2. Top 5 Performance Appraisal Tips
  3. How online certifications can boost your performance appraisal results

Why should you prepare for your performance appraisal

Here are some of the reasons why performance appraisals and review matter and why you should prepare for it.:

  • Performance appraisal can have lasting impact on your career
  • Performing an appraisal of your progress and results is important to ensure you are hitting the right targets with your efforts and to give you constructive feedback that will help you improve.
  • Performance appraisal is also an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, experience and importance to the company so you can pitch for a raise/promotion. 

In a performance review, it is very important to remember that you are building up a relationship of trust with your superior. It is vital that as an employee you take the time to outline not only why you have been successful over the past few months or year to date but also how you are looking forward so as to give management confidence in your abilities and skills going forward.

Top 5 Performance Appraisal Tips

Here are the top 5 performance appraisal tips so you can be prepared ahead of time:

  • Right mindset:

    This is definitely our top employee evaluation tip. Know that this is not meant to be a chance for your manager to criticize you or tear down your performance at the organization. It’s an opportunity for your manager to offer constructive criticism that’s needed for you to grow as a professional. Keep in mind also what is said is for your benefit, and it’s not meant to tear you down. Go into your evaluation with an open mind and seriously contemplate any criticism or suggestions offered.

  • Evaluate Your Own Performance:

    You are aware of your work and what all you’ve done to achieve the current success. Your strengths and weaknesses, your area of excellence, scope of improvement. Being aware of your performance will help in your performance review. You can answer and convey your progress, difficulties and achievements easily if you’ve noted them in order.

  • Documentation:

    When asked about your accomplishments, you should be ready with proof. Keep in mind that you want to be specific and detailed about your statements. It’s important not to give vague answers when asked. For example, If you’ve improved a process, be ready to go into detail about how it was done and maybe even support it with documents or reports on the improvement itself!

    Another example would be if you trained or mentored another employee, make sure you are able to go into detail here so feel free to provide files to demonstrate this such as those related to other employees performance reviews that showed improvement or training materials. Whatever the achievement, be ready to give details about it, even if you’re not asked.

  • Short and Long-term goals:

    The next performance appraisal tip is all about checking in on your goals and not just during the process of preparing for a performance appraisal. This can also be used as an opportunity to confirm or adjust your own personal career goals as you progress through your job over time.

  • Show You Want to Keep on Learning:

    Ask how you can improve, if there are new skill sets you should master, or if you could do more to contribute to the department or organization.

How online certifications can boost your performance appraisal results

While you’re doing your own self-assessment in preparation and going through the performance appraisal suggestions listed above, you’ll probably understand the importance of continuing your education to advance your career.

If you’ve earned online certifications, you’ll be able to demonstrate to your manager that you are:

  • Constantly striving to improve as an employee
  • Proactively setting and achieving goals
  • Motivated and driven to advance in your field
  • Willing to adapt

If you haven’t earned certifications during the past year, you can start this year. As an employee your manager will see your level of commitment and drive when you walk into a performance appraisal with specific goals in mind related to acquiring certifications. You could even get a raise or promotion by doing so because it shows that you are dedicated to growth and willing to learn new skills!


Performance appraisals only happen once a year. The rest of the year hinges on that assessment, so you need to embrace that one vital moment and take it seriously if you want to successfully manage your long-term career ambitions. Think about the best questions to ask yourself as part of your self-assessment process so that you know exactly how to point out what’s working and where and how to focus on practicing at those skill sets or in those areas that might be lacking a bit in order to improve them over the next few months or years. You can also seek online certifications which prove beyond doubt that you are someone who is always motivated, dependable, and eager to succeed as an employee.

We hope you enjoyed our article on Top 5 Performance Appraisal Tips for 2022. It is crucial that people understand that their performance has a direct impact on their career. If you want to learn more about the best certification training courses to advance your career or need help in getting the best deal for a certification training course, please feel free to contact us.

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